Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise recognized the need to simplify and expedite their data management processes in order to keep everyone on the same page when it comes to units and hours negotiation. This provides a higher level of transparency for all stakeholders involved, while also providing key analytical insights into project unit & hour data that FTE leadership can take advantage of. FTE utilized multiple spreadsheets tailored towards specific projects by FDOT Central Office staff – which are then applied throughout Florida operations as needed. Now, FTE Project Managers and Design Team staff, as well as Consultants have a streamlined process to develop their independent estimates. No longer do stakeholders face time pressures or laborious exchange of documents – they can now collaborate quickly over conference calls while negotiating units, hours and comments. With the final version signed off by appropriate FDOT personnel, this modernized system offers efficiency that allows for optimization of how labor can be utilized in order to maximize results from multiple projects by implementing an enterprise web solution.